Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sad Day

So I am seriously sad. For those that know me, you know that one of my favorite things in this world is earrings. I have a fetish for them. I love nothings more than a cute pair. Well today was a sad day. I lost one half of my favorite pair. I searched for an hour and could not find it. I looked and looked, but to no prevail. The worst part is that I have no idea how it happened. One minute I am walking onto campus and the next thing I know I touch my ear and there is no earring in it. I am so incredibly sad. I cannot find another pair online. I believe that the company that made them no longer does. I feel like crying. All I need is one. Does anyone have one Brighton Spellbound Smoky Quartz Hoop Earring? I would do anything for it.

Love, sniff,

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